- Road Captain: Ted “Boots” Kapner
- Departure Briefing: 1015 hrs
- Departure Time: 1030 hrs
- Departure Point: Robert’s Market place #2 (Viewpoint Dr. x HWY 89A)
- Distance (est): TBD
- Time (est): TBD
Ride Notes: We will meet and take a short ride to Tony’s Too. Following lunch the ride will continue as a community service ride. Prescott Valley resident has requested a drive by for a family birthday party. Legend’s HOGs will join the Black Sheep and others. Staging at the AZ. Dept of Economic Security parking lot located at N. Greg Dr and E. Yavapai RD at 2:00 pm, Brief at 2:15 pm, KSU: 2:30. This is a drive by only event. Event will conclude after drive by.